Monday, May 01, 2006

May Days

Has anyone jammed (stamped) on your foot today?

If so there`s probably a good reason for it …. its because it’s the first of May !

I wonder how many remember this from school days:

First of May – Jam Toe Day,
Second of May – Petticoat Day

Or was it the other way round?, and I`m fairly sure there was something for the third of May too, was it pinch-punch day? I can`t remember for sure.

If you don`t know what Petticoat Day is– well on that day you lifted the hem of girls and ladies skirts to see if they were wearing a petticoat! (That, of course, was in the days when females wore skirts rather than trousers).

I wonder if these were just Norfolk children`s games or do others know of them?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First day of May petticoat day.
Second day of May jam toe day.
Third day of May sting nettle day.

Inch pinch punch and no returns, white rabbits white rabbits white rabbits pig tails pig tails pig tails. (This was our tradition in Norfolk)