Sunday, May 14, 2006

Time to be "me".

Where has the last week gone to, it doesn`t seem seven days since I set out in the morning for a weeks holiday, but what a really lovely holiday I`ve had with my friends. As soon as I walked through their door, I forgot all about my parent, home, work and everything and really relaxed for the whole week.

It was a very undemanding week, just taking things easy - getting up late, well, later than I normally do, a leisurely breakfast then time to sit and read or even just sit and do nothing!
One morning having a long walk around a lake with C; on another morning, a wander along to the nearby row of shops with her. It was so good to have someone to walk with, and to walk at my speed! Then after lunch we`d have a ride out to somewhere. On other days going out about mid-morning with them, having a picnic lunch in the car, visiting some interesting places, villages etc., then back for tea and an evening just sitting watching tv, or reading - all just quiet and peaceful. Just what I`d needed. A time of not doing anything really out of the `ordinary` yet just “being”, not having any responsibilities, being accepted for the quiet person that I am.
I feel so much better for it.
It really was time to just be “me”.

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