Tuesday, January 10, 2006

No problem.....ughh!

"No problem" - did I ask if there was a problem?
I just asked a work colleague if they could do something. It wasn`t a problem to start with, it was just a normal job that needed doing.
Why, I wonder, is it so fashionalble to answer everything with "no problem", instead of just a yes, ok, alright or similar expession. It really irritates me to hear that reply to everything, and more and more people are doing it.
Where does it come from? Is it another Americanism got into this country? We can do without it if so. We have a good English language without needing to resort to using such senseless expressions.

1 comment:

see-through faith said...

Definitely from America Ivy :)

I suppose it's their 'not at all' 'I'm glad to help' meaning that it's not a problem for them to take the effort to help :)

I suppose we pick up new phrases because of TV and the internet. In itself it's not a bad thing , but we do lose the richness of a wonderful vocabulary and local idioms. I think that's another effect of globalisation too.

I don't want to eat MacDonalds everyplace I visit and I love hearing local expressions too :)

Your comment yesterday reminded me of my dad. He died in 1997 and I still miss him a lot. He'd have loved seeing his Finnish grandchildren as teenagers. They both are a lot like him in character, in little ways at least.