Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Eggs, Eggs, Eggs

Eggs, eggs, eggs, where do they all come from?! I`ve just opened our fridge door and discovered that we`ve got 2 dozen sitting there.

It set me thinking - how many different things can you do with an egg? I could boil it, poach it, fry it, scramble it, make omelettes with it, make baked custard with it, coddle it (I`ve not done that, but have heard of it), or do some baking with it. What a versatile thing an egg is.
Now, there`s only 2 of us in the house, so to avoild us having to eat eggs for every meal, I`ve had a baking session and now an array of sponge cakes and buns sit in the kitchen. And what a lovely aroma fills the place.

Have I made anyone hungry yet?!

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