Sunday, October 08, 2006

Back again

Yes, I`m back from my holiday, and I`m so glad that I went. Not that I exactly did a lot, nor was the weather hot and sunny, infact it was one of the wettest weeks holidays I`ve ever had. But that didn`t matter a scrap. I was staying with friends, so it was good just to stay indoors, to sit and relax and do virtually nothing for a lot of the time. Most unusual for me, I know, but it obviously was just what I needed.

Although I`d taken my laptop with me, and managed to find an internet connection there, I decided to even have a holiday from my daily Blogging, but now I`m back and daily posts will resume. I was glad I`d taken the laptop with me as I spent several hours looking up things for one of my friends, and I think got him interested in actually using it himself before I left!!

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