Friday, March 25, 2005

Good Friday reflections

After a moving Communion service on Maundy Thursday, today`s Good Friday one was equally as thought provoking. They both made me want to sit longer and think about what I had heard, but this morning was also the time to join with others in walking behind a cross. This silent walk (which this year did actually manage to be silent) also gave time for thought.
Passing through shopping streets of people going about their normal everyday business, it came to me that that must also have been the way things were on the first Good Friday. Some would probably have watched the procession, in the way people did today, but how many I wondered were unaware of what was going on then, as now?
The sound of our feet in a narrow street, made me think of the sound of the soldiers taking Jesus carrying his cross to his death.
Hearing the cross hammered into the ground, seemed to take one back to the actually crucifixion of Jesus, when the crowd there must also have heard such a sound.

So many links, so much to think about today, so much to be thankful for.

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