Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Tates

Have you met the "Tate Family"? No? Well, let me tell you about them.

Firstly, there is the old man Dic-Tate, who is rather bossy and wants to organise everything himself. Then there is his cousin, Ro-Tate, who delights in changing everything round. Mrs. Agi-Tate is well known for stirring up trouble, along with her short tempered husband, Mr. Irri-Tate. Whenever new ideas are suggested Mr. Hesi-Tate, and his wife Vege-Tate, always propose that the plans be deferred until next year. Mr. Imi-Tate wants everything to be like it was in his previous Company. Then there is Mr. Devas-Tate who has a gloomy, negative outlook that seems to cast a shadow on every situtation.

However, I do want to tell you about Mrs. Facili-Tate, who is most helpful and hard working. When it comes to thinking things over, and coming to prayerful and thoughtful decisions, you can rely on Mr. Cogi-Tate and Miss Medi-tate to offer sound advice.

Well, that just about completes the family - except I forgot to mention Mrs. Ampu-Tate, but she has recently cut herself off completely!

I wonder how many of these Tates we know, and which one/s we are?!!


Anonymous said...

Are they all in the TATE gallery then?


Ivy said...

Could be!!