Thursday, September 20, 2007

"Watch the moths come out"

"Watch the moths come out"... that phrase seems to often be said when people who are a bit tight with money open their purse or wallet. Yet, I`ve never seen any acutally come out.

I was working as normal with money today and put my hand into a cloth money bag to withdraw its contents from the previous day to count. I put the notes and various cheques and bits of paper from it on the desk, then I got a shock, along with all the items I`d taken out there was a large (about an inch long) brown moth sitting on the desk too. I must have got hold of it with the notes ughhhhhhhh ! How it got in there I don`t know, but panic.....what do I do?

I couldn`t bear the thought of leaving it to its own devices in the office, neither could I squash it - it was too big for that. I looked at it, hoping against hope that it wouldn`t start to fly round. I looked for what seemed ages but was probably only seconds, racking my brains of the best thing to do. If I moved would it disturb it and make it flutter? I hoped not as I gingerly got up from my seat and made for the door, not wanting to take my eyes off it incase it disappeared.

Managing to call one of the lads to come to my rescue, he came and got a cloth to get it with, but as he neared it, it then flew off the desk and towards me fluttered round me, I twirled round to avoid it and lost sight of it. Luckily the lad spotted that it had settled on my back. aghhhhh! Keep still, it won`t hurt you, he said, then he then managed to swat it to the floor, when he manfully put his foot on it, and finished it off.

Why do such small creatures have such an effect on us. We`re a hundred times their size, but yet they have this effect.

(Apologies to all butterfly and moth fans, but it was the only thing to do)


seethroughfaith said...

Can't get into into the Bible - can you leave a post to that effect. I am still reading though :)

Ivy said...

Yes, will do.