Saturday, November 15, 2008

Christmas already?

Today IS the 15th. November, isn`t it? Or have I lost a month somewhere?

Why do I ask?.......


...opening my mail, brought by the postman a few hours ago, I find my first Christmas card! I couldn`t believe it.

And, no, it didn`t come from abroad, it came from someone in a village about 6 miles away from here!

I`ve not even had my birthday yet, that`s still 9 days away. I definitely don`t expect to receive Christmas cards, before I`ve received Birthday cards. (That`s of course assuming I`ll get some birthday cards!)

So, what am I going to do with the Christmas card? - stick it in a drawer until a lot nearer the time, I`m certainly not going to stand it on the mantlepiece yet, it would look ridiculous so early.


Can Bass 1 said...

Mark it 'return to sender' with a strict instruction for it not be sent until at least the middle of December, and a stern reminder that the season of goodwill begins - begins, mark you - of December 25th. Really!

Lani said...

Oh my... that's a jump start of the season for sure. We have Christmas music playing in some of our stores already, too. After reading this, I got a little worried when I got a card in the mail last night, but opened it and it was just a note to say they had moved. What a relief. I like to enjoy it. Not be sick of it by the time it's here because everything got started too early.

Anonymous said...

in Finland they have a great system - you put all your cards in one of their envelopes ... they sort them after the 9th Dec and send them out - so if you are an early bird and lke to get teh cards done and outof the way this works really well.

(not that I'm like that!)

Ivy said...

What a great idea that is. But what a job is must be for the postmen!