Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Natural beauty

Driving to work this morning - yes, I had to go to another location and not work at home today - I was out of the house by 7.30 a.m. and I am so glad I was - the sight of the morning sky as it became light and the sun came up was wonderful.

I am always fascinated to see, at this time of year, the trees against the skyline.  To see the shapes of the bare branches, the way they intertwine with one another all being part of the one plant. To me there is a real beauty about it, and especially so this morning when the sun was coming up, turning the sky behind them to all shades of apricot and orange, before the golden ball of the sun itself appeared.   It was awesome.    

The forms of the trees today set me thinking of how we are rather like those trees, just one small branch or twig of it yet all dependent on the feeding and nutrients from the trunk - It made me think of God being the root and trunk of the tree and our lives, although interwined with each other and needing each other for support are yet all dependent on the care of God.

1 comment:

PixieMum said...

Hope all is well with you as it is some time since your last blog. I enjoy reading it, especially as we were in Norfolk last May, for Z's party. We fitted in a visit to Sandringham and to a distant cousin.

Best wishes, PixieMum aka Madeleine.