Saturday, June 23, 2007

Peace Shattered

I was about to sit down to write an entry on my blog, saying in an hours time my peace would be shattered. My parent would be home from her holiday.

As I sat down to write that, I became aware of the room getting darker and darker, although it was only an hour or so just past the middle of the day. There was an eerie feel about it, so I decided to log off and switch my computer off. The instant I switched it off there was an almighty crack of lightning and crash of thunder and more followed, the worst I think I`ve ever heard and a deluge of rain fell, so my peace really was shattered in more ways than one!

I was pleased in a way, to hear the rain though, as I somehow always feel safer with a storm if it rains than if is doesn`t.... is there any logic to this?

But what a lovely week I`ve had, able to sit quiet and think or do things without chatter and interuptions. Time to be me. Abilitity to do things at my own speed, which is fairly quick.
Time to relax and feel calm.
It`s not going to be easy to settle down again to not being just me in the house.

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