Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A Warm Welcome

Following my new year resolution to have more exercise, I decided to start going to an activity yesterday evening that I haven`t been to for at least four or five years. I wondered what reaction I would get after all that time -

- I was overwhelmed!

As I entered the door another couple of ladies were just arriving and one greeted me with, "its nice to see you again are you coming back to join us?", when I affirmed that I was and she said how pleased she was, she went ahead of me into the hall and started saying to the others already there, "look who`s here", and during the course of the evening I got a lot of welcomes and the feeling that they were genuinely glad to see me again. Infact I think that every single one of them greeted me and made me feel that I belonged.

These weren`t a church group of people, although they were meeting on church premises, but I could really feel a warmth of genuine welcome and friendship coming from them the whole evening. It was great to be back!


Cherrypie said...

I know the church has had to think more commercially and progressively to attract revenue since tithes were abolished, but weekly coven meetings are surely just that little bit too far. That is the real purpose behind country dancing, is it not?

Ivy said...

No, no broomsticks or pointed hats there.

According to the history of country dancing it started in Medieval times as an outdoor activity for crowds of people. And, during the 16th century even the sons of wealthy land owners who were in law schools would enjoy the recreation of the English Country Dance.

So, it`s quite respectable for a church to have on its premises. And the exercise and friendship are great! Try it!