Thursday, April 27, 2006


I`m again `thinking aloud` as I type this today, to try and sort my thoughts and feelings out.

I`ve got a feeling that change is in the air for me. Several things seem to be going on and linking up and causing changes. But the thoughts of change also brings a lot of questions - what`s the right thing for me to do, dare I make a change etc..etc...

Firstly there`s a big change taking place where I work shortly. In one way it will make things different, yet in another it probably won`t affect what I do too much.

Secondly and perhaps more important is that several things I`ve found out, seem to give me more hope of the possibilities of giving up work or of reducing my hours still futher than I have already done. This is something I feel I should do to look after my parent more, plus it would give me the bonus of having more free time. Time to do what I want to do instead of working all the while.

Yet, is it the right move? The right thing to do for the right reason? I know I need to find out more definite information, but I somehow feel that`s what I`m being "led" to do. But how can I test if that is so?

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