Sunday, May 22, 2005

A Sunday Afternoon Walk

The sun was out, there was a breeze but it was a warm one so I took myself off for a walk this afternoon, along the cliff top path, and it was beautiful, the sea was calm and pretty shades of blue. Wild flowers growing along the side of the path were gently moving in the breeze, skylarks were darting about and the sound of bird-song could be heard. I watched the birds for a while, their swooping and diving at speed so fascinating to see. Such a beautiful world and just five minutes drive away. It was peaceful, there were a few other people walking, but no noisy radios or chatter, all just enjoying the natural surroundings.
It made me remember how as a child, that was the thing to do on a Sunday afternoon – go of a walk. We always did it on each Sunday if the weather was fine. Strange, I`d forgotten that till now.
As I walked along, I resolved to myself, that I really must make time to do this more often, to get out and enjoy a walk. To make time to do it, and time for myself. It only took an hour, but did a lot of good, as well as the exercise (badly needed!) it gives time to think, to clear ones mind and just Be.
Maybe those older folk whose habit it was to have a Sunday afternoon walk, knew a thing or two!

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