Friday, January 14, 2005

Got a phone?

Writing yesterday about the sounds of mobile phones got me thinking!, I know, its a risky thing to do - to think - but there it is, I did!

Where have good manners gone? Why do people when shopping insist on talking on their mobile phone while expecting the cashiers to serve them? What happened to please and thank you?, Oh no, not now-a-days, it`s I`m too busy chatting on the phone, just put my hand out for my goods, give and take my credit card, and I`m off still talking, without saying a word to the person who just served me. And its not just the youngsters, all ages do it.

Communication and mobile phones are of course good, BUT how did we manage years ago when all phones were connected to wires and unmoveable?! We didn`t need to do 2 things at once, we had time for people we were actually seeing and meeting. We had manners.

Mobile phones - progress ??? I wonder at what cost? (and I don`t mean in £`s)


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