Monday, October 29, 2007

True to life?

Always one to enjoy having a go at these fun quizzes one comes across on here, I had a go at one I saw on Dave`s blog to see if it worked for me. Here`s the result

ColorQuiz.comIvy took the free personality test!

"Intense, vital, and animated, taking a delight in ..."

Click here to read the rest of the results.

It`s almost uncanny how accurate this has turned out to be. (although there`s one line which doesn`t apply..... but I`m not saying which!!)

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Going Back

In the space of a few hours I`ve travelled

...from Freedom to Chains
...from Independence to Tied
...from Adult to "Child"
...from Individual to Doormat
...from Happy to Frustrated
...from Relaxed to On Edge
...from Contented to Discontented

I want a better life for myself than this,
I want a life of my own before I`m too old and decrepit to live it,
I want to be something I can`t be

Friday, October 26, 2007

The Bright Lights

Ships that pass in the night!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside!

The sun shone again all day yesterday, so a walk by the seaside was called for. It was a typical sea-side scene with even donkeys on the sand, something I`ve not see for years. But then further along we can across something that was more unusual to see on the sand..... this.....

..... a helocopter taking people for rides, and No, I didn`t go in it!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

By the Estuary

It was a perfect day, the sun shone, there were autumn colours on the leaves as we drove through pretty lanes to the estuary. Once there, having stopped and bought delicious pork pies in a local butchers which we ate picnic style in the car, my friend and I (leaving her husband sitting in the car), went for a walk right along the shoreline of the estuary. It was quiet, peaceful and beautiful.

It was really good to have someone to go for a walk with, not that we talked a lot as we walked, but just to have the companionship. It`s something I miss at home, where if I go for a walk I have to go on my own, and so don`t venture as far as I`d like and feel conspicious walking alone. So yesterday`s walk was so perfect.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Still Here

Just incase anyone thinks because I`ve not put a post on for almost a week, that the Spiders got me in the end, I must put you right and say, No they didn`t, I`m away on holiday.

If you`re lucky I might give you a photo tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Fighting Spiders

I sure I`ve written here before of my dislike of spiders. Well, it`s that time of year when they seem to be everywhere. I know their webs look so beautiful stretched between bushes and shrubs sometimes glistening with raindrop or dew, or shining as the sun catches them. And I admire the cleverness of the way the creatures make them. But what I dislike is seeing the spider sitting in the middle of it, suspended in mid air.

I`m looking after a friends house this week, so went as normal to collect the mail in. Opened the garden gate (which I`m sure used to open the opposite side!), walked up the path towards the door I use, then, got stopped in my tracks. Either side of the path there are bushes and shrubs, but going across the path..... yes, you`ve guessed it.... there were big spider webs complete with spiders in the middle of them. And, not one, but three at least all spaced out, and all blocking my access to the door. There was no other way round it, or into the house for me. Aggghh... I stood there for several minutes, pondering what to do. I could no way brush the webs down with my hand because of the spider, I couldn`t walk through them because I`d get the spiders on me.

Then inspiration struck, I needed a stick or something to knock them down with, I`d nothing like it in the car, so I searched round a bit of garden, where there were no webs, and found a piece of twig about a foot long laying on the ground. Picking it up, I then went brandishing it at the spiders in the webs, knocking them to the sides of the path and back into the bushes, being very watchful that they didn`t cling to the stick, and demolishing the webs, and so I cleared my way to the door.
What anyone would have thought, if they had seen me, I daren`t think!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Have you got it in 5?

If you haven`t guessed where I changed from 5 to 38, here`s what happened.

I went into our local branch of Stead and Simpson to buy a pair of shoes yesterday. Should be an easy enough thing to do, to get a pair of ordinary, comforatble shoes for work. But as I looked along the shelves there were high heels, clumpy manly looking shoes, toeless ones all totally unsuitable for everyday wear, and then in a corner towards the back of the store I found what I was looking for.... but no size 5.

Instead there were 36, 37, 38 ,39.... I hadn`t a clue as to how these traslated into English sizes. Must be a chart somewhere I thought, but a glance round the walls didn`t reveal any such item. Have all shoe shops in the UK gone into these sizings, or is it just this firm? Why can`t we keep our old sizes or at least have dual sizing in footwear? Do they just like making life difficult for us.

And, yes, I did get a pair of shoes in the end. I picked up one, of the style I wanted to try and said "Have you got this in a size 5". The assistant went and found them and came back with a 38 and it fitted!

Have you got it in 5?

If you haven`t guessed where I changed from 5 to 38, here`s what happened.

I went into our local branch of Stead and Simpson to buy a pair of shoes yesterday. Should be an easy enough thing to do, to get a pair of ordinary, comforatble shoes for work. But as I looked along the shelves there were high heels, clumpy manly looking shoes, toeless ones all totally unsuitable for everyday wear, and then in a corner towards the back of the store I found what I was looking for.... but no size 5.

Instead there were 36, 37, 38 ,39.... I hadn`t a clue as to how these traslated into English sizes. Must be a chart somewhere I thought, but a glance round the walls didn`t reveal any such item. Have all shoe shops in the UK gone into these sizings, or is it just this firm? Why can`t we keep our old sizes or at least have dual sizing in footwear? Do they just like making life difficult for us.

And, yes, I did get a pair of shoes in the end. I picked up one, of the style I wanted to try and said "Have you got this in a size 5". The assistant went and found them and came back with a 38.

Friday, October 12, 2007


I`m confused.
Ok, I know it doesn`t take a lot to do that!

But, I was a 5, now I`m 38. At least I think I`m 38

What`s happened?

Thursday, October 11, 2007

"I can`t work"

"I can`t work...." I`d be rich if I had a £1 for everytime a member of staff where I work has said that recently.

Where, oh where have manners and courtesy gone to?

One of my jobs at work is preparing the staff schedules, an enjoyable job in its way. And in years gone by a fairly easy one, as people requiring time off would ASK, in advance, please can I have such and such a day, date, holiday off. Now suddenly in these last couple of years of so, it not "please can I have", it`s "I can`t work", or even "I`ve booked my holiday it`s ... so I need that week, (or however long) off". No thought is given to how many other people may be already on holiday or off or if the time is available. There`s just no consideration for anyone else these days, its all just self, self, self.

Where, oh where have manners and courtesy gone to? They need bringing back urgently!!

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Daring the Waves

I had a good walk the other afternoon, and spotted these small birds, they seemed to be playing the same game as children often do - dodging the waves. As I stood and watched them, they would stand near the edge of the groyne until they saw a wave coming then they`d run back to try and avoid getting splashed, as soon as it had splashed up back they ran to the edge! It was quite amusing watching them.

I`ve really appreciated this week being able to come and go as I please, to do things on the spur of the moment, without a lot of preparation, just doing as the mood takes. But that will all end today.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Toad in the Hole

Here it is...

And, ready to eat!

An Autumn Day

Its a beautiful autumn day here today, and I`ve had a good day.

The sun was shining when I woke, earlier than I normally do when I`m not working, probably because I`d slept well having the house to myself. Having had a leisurely breakfast, I did a few chores before going out.

After attending nice quiet thoughtful service, I decided to break with routine, and not go back to the house for lunch, but to go off out. So, into the car and off I went. Got a snack lunch of a sausage roll and a chocolate topped muffin, and had a wander round a garden centre and craft centre. Driving back I enjoyed the beauty of the way the leaves on some of the trees are now beginning to turn to autumn colours.

Now, I`m going to totally break with routine and make myself a toad-in-the-hole for tea! Anyone fancy some??!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007


I feel FREE !!!!

My parent`s away this week and I`ve got the house to myself, and it`s great!
I feel so light;
I`ve more time;
The house keeps tidier;
I can come and go as I like without questions or delays,;
Do things at my speed;
Sleep well at nights.

I feel calm, relaxed, at ease with everything.

This is how life should be. Isn`t it?